Saturday, April 4, 2009

Time to Pray...

Tonight, I am not posting my regular daily blog because I have been rocking, cradling and loving my precious Ava who is sick with a high fever. Her confidence in my ability to help her feel better is reminiscent of the depth of trust we are challenged to have in our Lord. Childlike faith is essential because if we are unable to suspend "adult disbelief," we can't completely appreciate God's greatness or trust him in all things. In essence, I believe that faith is a gift that God offers everyone, but forces on no one.

In Mark 10:15, Jesus says: "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

I have been reminded of so many beautiful things since becoming a grandmother--and I cherish each of these precious reminders. For that reason, I'm writing today asking for prayer for Ava Grace's rapid return to good health, and for prayers for others who need to know God's comfort and love tonight.

Specifically, please pray for the family of a young mother and her 2 1/2 year old daughter who were the innocent victims of an unbelievably heinous and tragic car crash a few miles away tonight. This young mom pulled out of her neighborhood and into the path of two racing vehicles who were speeding excessively according to witnesses. As is often the case, those who caused the accident survived, but two innocent people, a mother and child, have lost their lives.

My heart is grieved for the unrealized promise that these two deaths represent. This mom was reportedly the choir director at her church. I did not know her, but I know there is a gaping hole in the lives of those she and her little angel have left behind--so I am asking that anyone who reads this post will lift their families in fervent prayer. The last names of the victims' families are Furr and Price.

For those who are struggling with how to reconcile faith in a loving and great God with such tragedy, I offer a wonderful article by John Piper here. It beautifully answers the "where is God" question that sometimes surfaces when senseless tragedies happen.

Father, I know that tonight you are exactly where you were when your own Son asked why you had forsaken him. Your Word promises that you are near to the broken hearted, the afflicted, the sick and the lost. Be near, o God, be near. Love the families who are suffering, and the sick who need your healing touch. I love and thank you in advance for tenderly comforting and healing these people:

The Furr and Price families
B's Mom and B
my sweet Ava Grace
and all the others I love whose names you know and whose circumstances are such that they need to feel you super close and present. Thank you and Amen.


Heather said...

On my Goodness. That makes me tear up! I can't imagine.

Praying for sweet Ava as well! The only thing that helped Pace was rotating Motrin and Tylenol every 4 hours. Oh and we also rubbed him down with Alcohol when It got really high.

Glad you got some sweet time with her. I hate having sick kids but I have to admit I love the cuddle time that it brings when they are sick! There's just nothing like it!

Praying for you guys!

Sandy said...

Thank you Heather (and anyone else who has prayed). Thankfully for us, Ava Grace seems to be feeling a little better this morning and she is no longer running a high fever.

God answers prayer!