Thursday, January 1, 2009

Resolutely speaking...

In 2009, I have some plans. And the way I see it, blogging about it just might motivate me to follow through with them.

This is a big year for me in several ways. First, I will be celebrating one of those birthdays that usually inspires a surprise party featuring black balloons and various other "one foot in the grave" jibs and jabs.

Second, May 26th will mark the thirtieth anniversary of my marriage to my soulmate, George. On our 22nd anniversary, it dawned on me that we'd been together for more years than either of us had lived separately. We've far exceeded that milestone now, so we plan to do some serious celebrating.

As a result, I hope to blog daily about my success (or failure) at keeping a few resolutions I'm making.

In general, I'm very private and certainly not one to air my personal dirt too publicly, but as I've pondered my prospects for sticking to my plans, I decided that my extreme makeover might actually succeed if I have the accountability of those who read this blog knowing that I'm a big, stinking failure if I don't stick to my resolutions.

Therefore--here they are:

1. Read the Bible chronologically and post a brief blog related to the things that God speaks to my heart during this journey. I want to do this not just for myself, but for my grandchildren--in the hope that one day it will be meaningful to them. I have read through the entire Bible in the past, but never in chronological order. I believe that there will be something special about reading the events of scripture in the historical order of their occurence--so that's my plan.

2. Get healthy--which includes my plan to lose the extra pounds that have been the bane of my otherwise fulfilling existence. For years, the beta-blocker regimen I am required to continue, combined with iron-deficiency anemia (and the accompanying fatigue) have been my "reason" for not conquering this demon--but I am determined that I will not turn fifty fat and flabby. Howz that for some New Year's alliteration?

3. Write to my children about parenting and marriage. I started this blog because of a burden I had about a marriage that was crumbling. I believe that marriages and families are the primary target of the enemy's arsenal. If there is any wisdom or insight I can share from the mistakes I've made, I'm ready to openly and hopefully, transparently lay it down.

So, please hold me accountable if you notice any deviation from these stated goals. I'm looking forward to 2009 and the promise it brings, and I hope you are as well.

Happy New Year!


Heather said...

My brother is getting married may 23rd so I have an extra incentive as well to loose my extra baby weight. I hope I'm able to do it ... let's cheer each other on!

I absolutely love your wisdom in parenting and in marriage. I'm personally thankful that you share your wisdom through your blog and MomSense! I for one am one who has been blessed by it! So thank you for taking what is private for you and making it a blessing for those of us who read and know you!

Sandy said...

Thanks Heather--you're way too kind. And by the way, as a result of following your blog, I KNOW there is little that you can learn from me. You and Jeremy are walking the walk in beautiful ways and I admire you both.

Julie said...

Well, I will be tuning in!! I am excited to follow along on your blog this year. How exciting that I don't have to wait for Mom Sense for some "Sandy wisdom" but I can tune in here daily :)

Sandy said...

Julie, your encouragement will be invaluable on those dry days when I struggle to find words and time.

I'm committed to this, but I am not naive. I KNOW there will be occasions when the urgent takes precedence over the important and my goal of writing something each day takes a back seat.

You should know that I love the insights you share as well, so please take any chance you can find to pass along your wisdom.