Saturday, February 6, 2010

Trading in My Ignorant Lens...

Sometimes I have this all too human tendency to forget some important things about God. It's not that I don't know these things in my head, it's just that I forget with my heart. And that's when I'm most prone to look at the world through something I'll call my "Ignorant Lens," or IL for short.

My IL lies to me, convincing me that God's too busy with His important list of priorities to be concerned about what matters to me. Sometimes, it whispers that my burdens are too small to even bother Him with. If you are like me and occasionally battle the tendency to view things through an IL, I challenge you to read through today's passages.

2 Kings chapters 1-11 cover a multitude of situations in the history of Israel where God just shows up and blows the lid off any notion that He is limited, unconcerned, forgetful or unmindful of what, how, when, where or who is (and is not) with Him. It also serves to remind me that His ways are not my ways and that He can be trusted to make all things right in time. He is a God of His Word, a keeper of promises.

So Lord...

When my IL lies to me, please open my spiritual eyes the way you did for Elisha's servant in 2 Kings 6 and let me see your supernatural provision and protection.

When my IL whispers that all is lost, will you increase my faith with the reminder that you healed Naaman's leprosy in 2 Kings 5 and you raised a woman's dead son in 2 Kings 4? Will you remind me that you are able to do the same today because no mountain is too high and no valley is too deep for you to conquer?

When I am bewildered by the evil reports I hear in the news each day because my IL is suggesting that you are too busy to be bothered by these matters, will you remind me that your justice will one day prevail, just as it did in 2 Kings 10?

I've heard from the people who say they can't (or won't) reconcile a loving God with a judging God, but you have reminded me once again in these passages that your love cannot allow injustice to prevail without penalty, for that would not really be love at all.

I pray then that when my IL lies, whispering that you don't really love me--personally--I'll remember that it's because of your great love that I was offered a heart transplant, and it was in receiving my new heart that I was given new eyes that are not destined to view my life through an Ignorant Lens, but through an Enlightened one that allows me to recall that You are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond all that my finite mind can comprehend. So thank you, I'll take your EL over my old IL any day.

Father, may we all have eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to receive all the wonders that you have planned for us. Give us Your Enlightened Lens' with which to view ourselves and your world. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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