Monday, May 11, 2009

My Mysterious God...

Psalm 5,38,41-42 and 57, along with 2 Samuel 22-23 all provide amazing insight and convicting reminders of what set David apart as leader and king.

There are so many things to be discovered by studying David's life. In today's passage, words that were spoken by this king who was a man after God's own heart are recorded. So why was he so distinguished? What made him special?

From his earliest days, David yearned to know more of God, he confessed complete dependence upon Him, he wanted to please The Lord, and he always repented when he sinned. Never diminishing or minimizing his wrong actions, David was contrite, humble and broken when he realized he had grieved His Heavenly Father.

2 Samuel 23 includes some of the last recorded words spoken by David, and in the chapter David also acknowledged that although he had failed to be a perfect king, God never fails to be our Perfect King. David was well aware that his earthly reign missed the mark of perfection, yet the everlasting covenant that God had made with him was based on God's grace rather than David's performance.

What a comfort to remember this truth--it isn't up to us to "keep" God, God keeps us through his covenant in Christ Jesus our Lord. We will never get it all together, we will never be perfect, but God honors his commitment to us based on His faithfulness, not ours.

I've explained God's saving grace to my children like this before--

If they ever decided that they wanted to "disown" me as their mother, they could--but that would never change the fact that they are my flesh and blood, they are my children. And they will never stop being my children, no matter what--it isn't within their power to sever the bond that makes me biologically, genetically, and even emotionally their mother. Even more important than all that maybe, is the fact that there is nothing they could do to make me ever stop loving them or wanting to be in relationship with them. There are things my children can control...but being my children is not one of them.

In a similar way, once we receive God as Father through believing faith in Jesus, His Son, we are sealed in a covenant, blood-bought relationship with Him and kept by His faithfulness, not ours. And as Paul reminds us, that should never be considered a license to sin, and we certainly shouldn't take for granted so great a sacrifice, but it does relieve us of the pressure to perform and frees us to love and adore.

And that, for me, is one of the most beautiful mysteries of God.

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